
Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Guide to the mosses of central Florida

I have spent much time in the past few years studying the mosses of central Florida and posting portraits of the common species.  This work has culminated in a Guide and Interactive key, which has now been posted as part of the Atlas of Florida Plants..You can find the link on the Atlas home page, in the right column.

The guide is in  pdf format, so no special software is needed to use the key.  Though it can be printed
Page 1 of the key, showing the three initial choices. Move
through the key by clicking on arrows. One can also go
directly to the index by clicking the box in the upper right.
out, it is designed to be used on-line, or off-line with computer or cell phone, as there are active links leading the user from one part of the guide to another.

The key leads to species profile pages, similar to the postings I have done on this blog site, but briefer.  Currently, the guide covers 59 common mosses of central Florida, but as stated in the introduction, it is a work in progress.  The index at the back of the guide includes all species reported as occurring in Florida, and as we are able to include additional species, the guide potentially will morph into one that covers the entire state.  The guide will therefore be periodically upgraded and reposted. Those of you who have been following the moss posts are encouraged to notify me of any errors you see in the key, any information or photos of additional species, or any other suggestions.

Thanks for your interest and support.
On the species profile pages, one can find photographs, maps of distribution, and a link to the species page in the Atlas (logo under the map).  One can also go to the  index to see what other species are reported from Florida, or return to the key.

1 comment:

  1. This is incredibly timed for me. I started collecting various mosses (only a small sample relative to the patch they're taken from!) and am now attempting to cultivate them. It's keeping me sane during the quarantine, and my 4-year-old has gotten super invested in it as well.

    Trying to ID them has been a pain, but this helps a lot. I've got about two dozen species and maybe six of them have been ID'd by me so far. I look forward to seeing more of this!


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