Showing posts with label Herpetoneuron toccoae. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Herpetoneuron toccoae. Show all posts

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Mosses of Central Florida 44. Herpetineuron toccoae

Wet plants of Herpetoneuron toccoae growing in Macao.
Photo by Li Zhang, posted on the Southern
Illinois University website.
Herpetineuron toccoae (Sullivant & Lesquereux) Cardot (Anomodontaceae) is a creeping moss found on tree bases and rocks.

The leaves spread on both sides of the stem when wet, like other common mosses, such as Isopteryigium, but roll inward and press to the stem when dry.  The leafy shoots also tend to curve to one side when dry.  The leaves also have a distinct midrib, which is somewhat wavy as it approaches the toothed tip. Leaf cells are ovate-angular. It is not known to produce spore capsules in the U.S.

The midrib of the leaf is a bit wavy toward the slightly toothed tip. From a
dried herbarium specimen, Griepenburg 130, USF.

This pantropical species occurs throughout the southeastern U.S., north to Illinois,  and has been reported from Arizona.

In Florida, it has been reported from Franklin Co and spottily in counties along the Gulf  Coast as far south as Hillsborough County.

Leaf cells are oval to angular.
Dried plants. Photo by Blanka Shaw, posted on Consortium of North
American Bryological Collections website.